What are these ol Holiday's really all about anyway? Keep it simple: Remember to be grateful for the little things with no pricetag: Love, Life, Family, Forgiveness, Sobriety, a comfy bed, a full belly and mostly, Peace in my soul.....Selah, and ALWAYS: take your Higher Power with ya!
It's SOOOO hard to be real and admit we might have a little tiny bit of an addiction! DENIAL is the first sign you are fooling yourself. Think of this...we will stand before God someday and give an account for the things we've done in 'secret' AND in front of EVERYONE!! Now, Let's Face it.....WE are usually the LAST to know we got "a problem" WELCOME. There is a community of support unfolding before you now.....
Wednesday, December 08, 2010
Sunday, November 07, 2010
Ever consider yourself, "GOD"S VERY BEST LITTLE HELPER?"

There is a healthy helping others with their burdens!
But, everyone is to carry their own load! Very important!!!!
We usually get this part mixed up and help WRONG! Well, in recovery we call it ENABLING! Yes, that usually coincides with the another term "Codependent"!!! What is a hard pill to swallow is that with all our genuine efforts to help, rescue, cover, sugar-coat, control or fix someone elses character defects we actually end up "HELPING" wrong and prolonging OUR agony of someone elses addiction! That's right with our help they stay addicted even longer! The insanity that goes with it tortures us nice-self-righteous-helper types even MORE!! Hah! Are we really addicted to the addict's doings or not doings? Maybe so! So when you say you are at the meeting to be a support to your little addict think again! What we need help for is to work on our own sick issues of perhaps....enabling or codependency! To find out more go to a meeting! Our days of being someone elses activity monitor may be numbered! To let em go to crash and burn to suffer their own consequences may just be in the cards next! Keep Coming Back!!
There is a healthy helping others with their burdens!
But, everyone is to carry their own load! Very important!!!!
We usually get this part mixed up and help WRONG! Well, in recovery we call it ENABLING! Yes, that usually coincides with the another term "Codependent"!!! What is a hard pill to swallow is that with all our genuine efforts to help, rescue, cover, sugar-coat, control or fix someone elses character defects we actually end up "HELPING" wrong and prolonging OUR agony of someone elses addiction! That's right with our help they stay addicted even longer! The insanity that goes with it tortures us nice-self-righteous-helper types even MORE!! Hah! Are we really addicted to the addict's doings or not doings? Maybe so! So when you say you are at the meeting to be a support to your little addict think again! What we need help for is to work on our own sick issues of perhaps....enabling or codependency! To find out more go to a meeting! Our days of being someone elses activity monitor may be numbered! To let em go to crash and burn to suffer their own consequences may just be in the cards next! Keep Coming Back!!
Sunday, October 24, 2010
grateful to be forgiven!
Say this: Lord, I thank you that you have loved me before I could love myself. Thank you for sticking with me and protecting me from fully acting on all my stinkin thinkin! Thank you for your never ending mercy and grace and sparing me from getting all my actions may really deserve! Help me turn over now all those things in this life that have caused me pain and hurt that I cannot understand. Please, please forgive me for all the things I have done to hurt you, myself and others in my life. Help me now to fully surrender my life to you and trust you with my future. Thank you for your goodness and for doing for me what I could not do for myself! Amen.
If we have experienced any kind of abuse, trauma or loss or plain bad luck we can be driven by our own stinkin thinkin into acting on our addiction or compulsions. All we need is an exuse for a pity party and to BRING it on! That is... our own methods which spiral us into circling the drain!
Best thing is to learn what stinkin thinkin is and when it is happening to stop and correct. Could be patterns of negativity statements we heard from the generations before us or our own ability to feel sorry for ourselves.
Check it out here:
Also a quick little exercise out of the "woe is me" state is to make a grateful list! Simple things to start with like waking up everyday, being able to walk and talk and spending time with the ones we love and for those who actually DO love and care about us! I am a grateful believer in Jesus Christ and stand today and everyday just
grateful to be forgiven!
Say this: Lord, I thank you that you have loved me before I could love myself. Thank you for sticking with me and protecting me from fully acting on all my stinkin thinkin! Thank you for your never ending mercy and grace and sparing me from getting all my actions may really deserve! Help me turn over now all those things in this life that have caused me pain and hurt that I cannot understand. Please, please forgive me for all the things I have done to hurt you, myself and others in my life. Help me now to fully surrender my life to you and trust you with my future. Thank you for your goodness and for doing for me what I could not do for myself! Amen.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
The dynamics at home are different for everyone but really the toxic problem that is destroying the lives and relationships with those we love is the most difficult to confront. Why are we so afraid to step up and say, " HEY!" Why are we afraid to take the problem head on and set some boundaries to protect our peace, our happiness and our security? Isn't the potential loss from the upset offender less than what we are experiencing now? Yes, like the story of Jonah and the Whale, there was one person's direct disobedience to God that had circumstances that were harming everyone on the ship! All the innocent ones were suffering because Jonah was running from God's WILL! So guess what they did? They threw Jonah overboard to get some peace and sanity back! Guess what? NOW Jonah was God's problem (not theirs!) and God loved Jonah so much he saved his life as a whale came and swallowed him up and spit him out to safety once the misery (in the belly of the whale) did it's magic and led Jonah to repent! Then Jonah obeyed and served God and good things happened after that!
Sometimes we gotta just let go, NOT WATCH, and let GOD deal with some people before they are gonna get it. Pain, loss and sorrow will lead men to repent, not our constant rescuing, fixing, saving, covering up and certainly NOT us pretending the problem is not real! The sooner we confront the sooner a healing can happen, by the grace of GOD! Sometimes, for the one going down, they are in so much DENIAL about an issue they won't comprehend the truth until something BAD happens. That's the only way some people are gonna learn. So step away and let some miracles happen while you hide and pray! Just don't forget, TO PRAY!
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Click on link below for great Inspirational Music hits from the 70's to todays favorite songs! You will love it and you can have your own little "party" while searching this site on "How to get Mo Betta!"
- Powered by MainstreamNetwork.com
Wednesday, June 02, 2010
Friday, May 21, 2010
Got PEACE? It is a gift when the world is at chaos, when we need direction, when we are making good choices...

I find it calming to know there is a power greater than myself and my little world that can keep the stars, the sun and the moon in place without my help! The same power that causes the sun to rise and set everyday without delay. I can safely turn over to God the things I am powerless over and cannot control. Things I am unable to fix or repair today I'll place in His hands and I'll be grateful for the things I can do to make a difference. Honestly, I wish I had more answers than I do but, it is what it is...I am not in charge! It is He that can see the grand picture of things while my view right now is a bit limited! Tonight, I will trust, rest and sleep on the wonder of these things. That's all I know....Selah! As a believer I can just: Cry out to Jesus!
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Would YOU like to "FEEL" Amazing Again?
There are things that we can do to support our sobriety process and assist the clearing of our mind!
Actually, during our time of acting out we really did a number on our spirit, soul AND BODY! There are a number of deficiencies that develop with our auto-intoxication that if not restored will land us into a preventable chronic disease. Chronic disease evolves over time, chemically produced on a molecular level! If we get sober then in time our body can re-balance and rejuvenate but it takes a little time! Good things are ahead when you start restoring your body with nutrients and lifestyle habits that will support your body to do its job, protect YOU from the enemy free radicals, carcinogens, virus and bacteria that can take us down! Learn how to support your immune system, improve your strength, stamina & energy levels so that you can be of service to others!
Join me! Lets do this online DIY e-class to get back in the saddle, day light is a burnin! Learn the BIG PICTURE while on the road to recovery!
Health Recovery 101 The 6-week online EXPERIENCE!
Actually, during our time of acting out we really did a number on our spirit, soul AND BODY! There are a number of deficiencies that develop with our auto-intoxication that if not restored will land us into a preventable chronic disease. Chronic disease evolves over time, chemically produced on a molecular level! If we get sober then in time our body can re-balance and rejuvenate but it takes a little time! Good things are ahead when you start restoring your body with nutrients and lifestyle habits that will support your body to do its job, protect YOU from the enemy free radicals, carcinogens, virus and bacteria that can take us down! Learn how to support your immune system, improve your strength, stamina & energy levels so that you can be of service to others!
Join me! Lets do this online DIY e-class to get back in the saddle, day light is a burnin! Learn the BIG PICTURE while on the road to recovery!
Health Recovery 101 The 6-week online EXPERIENCE!
Friday, May 14, 2010
The12th step: is learning to be of service to someone who is lost and knows not the way, the truth, and the life! Their eyes have been blinded and they are unable to find their way clear of the things that entangle them to keep doing the wrong thing.......
Since the day we heard about you, we have not stopped praying for you and asking God (our Higher Power) to fill you with the knowledge of His will through all spiritual wisdom and understanding. And we pray this in order that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and may please him in every way: bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God, being strengthened with all power according to his glorious might so that you may have great endurance and patience, and joyfully giving thanks to the Father, who has qualified you to share in the inheritance of the saints in the kingdom of light. For he has rescued each of us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son he loves, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.
So, whatever you do or say, in thought or deed, do it as a representative of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks through him to God the Father. Col 1:9-14, 3:17
Since the day we heard about you, we have not stopped praying for you and asking God (our Higher Power) to fill you with the knowledge of His will through all spiritual wisdom and understanding. And we pray this in order that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and may please him in every way: bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God, being strengthened with all power according to his glorious might so that you may have great endurance and patience, and joyfully giving thanks to the Father, who has qualified you to share in the inheritance of the saints in the kingdom of light. For he has rescued each of us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son he loves, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.
So, whatever you do or say, in thought or deed, do it as a representative of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks through him to God the Father. Col 1:9-14, 3:17
Friday, April 16, 2010
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