Monday, December 16, 2013

Getting HEALTHY is not just about getting or keeping our SOBRIETY!

Say this, "I  wanna LIVE!" Yes, to wellness, good energy and HOPE for living this life as it is!  Accepting hardship as a pathway to peace.  Letting go of bitterness and resentment! 

Need a health coach for guidance and direction for getting the sparkle back in our smile and a pep in out step??  Join us for this special 6 week coaching event to regain our best energy and experience weight loss and learn a sustainable "healthier" lifestyle! 

Save the date starting April 8, 2015 this unique online event is available to you where ever you live!  Call in on a conference call or log in to the webinar on your computer!  For more info:   Clean Eating with Cary


We cannot just "talk the talk" we must also "walk the walk!"  Jesus said, Man shall NOT live by BREAD alone! (Matt 4:4.)  That means YES food and drink definitely has something to do with it but so also does faith, hope, trust and also perhaps some exercise and drinking no polluted water etc..   It is also written that, FAITH without works is DEAD. (James 2:26)  Jesus also asked the very pointed question, "Do you WANT to be WELL?"  There is HIS part to do for us what we are unable to do for ourselves and OUR part which requires taking up our bed and WALK, showing up, being honest and accepting guidance and direction toward a more healthful and meaningful life where we too will have a chance to give back if we have the strength and energy! 

Join us for a support group style say YES to "Clean Eating with Cary"

Our 12-Steps hold us to a Higher Power with responsible and purposeful deeds.  Perhaps we can't just throw around some hopeful or prayerful words but maybe we also must have some action to show for it, by the grace of GOD, to turn toward a path with health and healing promoting habits!  So you see, there is not ONE certain way that is the panacea!  But we are certain, we must DO THINGS that are suggested for our own health and wellness and recovery!
Everyone needs beauty, as well as bread, places to play and pray in, where nature may heal and give strength to the body and soul alike!    
John Muir  and he also said;
I know our bodies were made to thrive only in pure air, and the scenes in which pure air is found...

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