There are things that we can do to support our sobriety process and assist the clearing of our mind!
Actually, during our time of acting out we really did a number on our spirit, soul AND BODY! There are a number of deficiencies that develop with our auto-intoxication that if not restored will land us into a preventable chronic disease. Chronic disease evolves over time, chemically produced on a molecular level! If we get sober then in time our body can re-balance and rejuvenate but it takes a little time! Good things are ahead when you start restoring your body with nutrients and lifestyle habits that will support your body to do its job, protect YOU from the enemy free radicals, carcinogens, virus and bacteria that can take us down! Learn how to support your immune system, improve your strength, stamina & energy levels so that you can be of service to others!
Join me! Lets do this online DIY e-class to get back in the saddle, day light is a burnin! Learn the BIG PICTURE while on the road to recovery!
Health Recovery 101 The 6-week online EXPERIENCE!
It's SOOOO hard to be real and admit we might have a little tiny bit of an addiction! DENIAL is the first sign you are fooling yourself. Think of this...we will stand before God someday and give an account for the things we've done in 'secret' AND in front of EVERYONE!! Now, Let's Face it.....WE are usually the LAST to know we got "a problem" WELCOME. There is a community of support unfolding before you now.....
Thursday, July 07, 2016
Wednesday, July 06, 2016
Got anger, resentment, bitterness or jealousy at your CORE?
There are times when we have to deal with that ugliness festering deep down inside. You know who you are if there is a pattern of hurting others with your words and actions. Is there a trail of injured souls left behind in past relationships? Is there always some kind of drama fueled by feelings of bitterness, resentment anger or jealousy? Do you really think anyone deserves your wrath when you are feeling this way over something? The beauty of a 12-Step Recovery Support Group is that we learn that these feelings are our own problem. We have to work through our own resentments and anger in a healthy way that it does not harm others. These issues are classic defects of character that each of us in our own time must address within ourselves and safely in a 12-Step recovery group. How do we not let the actions of others push us over into getting ugly ourselves? It is NOT easy but there is HOPE!
Usually, it is not until we are well into our sobriety that we have the chance to address our own defects of character. We all have them and the idea is to learn to let more go and offer grace and forgiveness easily so it doesn't cause US to do or say something we regret later. Alienating those who are closest to us is our problem, that if not reckoned with, we may find ourselves in a lonely state of isolation because everyone has HAD IT with our antics! Speaking the truth in love is a practice that takes some PRACTICE! Offering "our idea" ONLY when it is asked is not easy to do either. What if no one asks? Move on and keep on working on me is best! We all think a lot of silly things which may be toxic if it involves taking out our anger, resentment, bitterness and jealousy out on our friends and family. That is why they call it "Stinking Thinking!"
Find a safe place, a recovery group or Celebrate Recovery to deal with these defects of character, work through them so you can learn to be a nicer person to call a friend, brother, sister, son or daughter! Easy? No way! Worth while? ABSOLUTELY!
I'll pray for the people that bug me, I'll pray that they get everything that they NEED! Our Higher Power is more than willing to be the one to do for them what they cannot do for themselves. I can get out of the way and let go and let GOD and have a little fun while He does just that! I am called to live in "peace" as much as it is up to me to be at peace with all men! If YOU are going to disturb MY PEACE then I will excuse myself from the drama as should you in the same situation! That is called survival!
Usually, it is not until we are well into our sobriety that we have the chance to address our own defects of character. We all have them and the idea is to learn to let more go and offer grace and forgiveness easily so it doesn't cause US to do or say something we regret later. Alienating those who are closest to us is our problem, that if not reckoned with, we may find ourselves in a lonely state of isolation because everyone has HAD IT with our antics! Speaking the truth in love is a practice that takes some PRACTICE! Offering "our idea" ONLY when it is asked is not easy to do either. What if no one asks? Move on and keep on working on me is best! We all think a lot of silly things which may be toxic if it involves taking out our anger, resentment, bitterness and jealousy out on our friends and family. That is why they call it "Stinking Thinking!"
Find a safe place, a recovery group or Celebrate Recovery to deal with these defects of character, work through them so you can learn to be a nicer person to call a friend, brother, sister, son or daughter! Easy? No way! Worth while? ABSOLUTELY!
I'll pray for the people that bug me, I'll pray that they get everything that they NEED! Our Higher Power is more than willing to be the one to do for them what they cannot do for themselves. I can get out of the way and let go and let GOD and have a little fun while He does just that! I am called to live in "peace" as much as it is up to me to be at peace with all men! If YOU are going to disturb MY PEACE then I will excuse myself from the drama as should you in the same situation! That is called survival!
Friday, July 01, 2016
Health Recovery 101 6-week EXPERIENCE!
After being OUT THERE doing ourselves in for possibly MANY years or decades, part of our recovery process will include improving our HEALTH status after we get our brain back right?
There is ALWAYS HOPE as long as we are walking and talking to get back in the saddle, put the pep back in our step and the sparkle back in our smile! Learn how you can improve your strength, stamina and energy levels so that you can be of service, giving back in this world as you have completed your 12th step in recovery!
Becoming a person of light to someone else struggling in the trenches will happen as YOU share your own experience, strength and HOPE to others going through what you have gone through. Coming out on the other side of addiction, pain and suffering will give you many opportunities that will be like divine appointments and SO WE NEED the strength and energy to be useful to others in this area!
Learn how you can peel back more layers to the onion by getting your own groove back!
Check out this 6-week online DIY Health Recovery 101 EXPERIENCE and save yourself!
Restoring our spirit, mind AND BODY takes some time and learn what you can do to feel amazing again and start possibly reversing some of the damage from years of being OUT THERE!
There ARE things we CAN DO!
follow me, I WILL SHOW YOU!
There is ALWAYS HOPE as long as we are walking and talking to get back in the saddle, put the pep back in our step and the sparkle back in our smile! Learn how you can improve your strength, stamina and energy levels so that you can be of service, giving back in this world as you have completed your 12th step in recovery!
Becoming a person of light to someone else struggling in the trenches will happen as YOU share your own experience, strength and HOPE to others going through what you have gone through. Coming out on the other side of addiction, pain and suffering will give you many opportunities that will be like divine appointments and SO WE NEED the strength and energy to be useful to others in this area!
Learn how you can peel back more layers to the onion by getting your own groove back!
Check out this 6-week online DIY Health Recovery 101 EXPERIENCE and save yourself!
Restoring our spirit, mind AND BODY takes some time and learn what you can do to feel amazing again and start possibly reversing some of the damage from years of being OUT THERE!
There ARE things we CAN DO!
follow me, I WILL SHOW YOU!
Wednesday, February 24, 2016
Don't get MAN DOWN! Time to POWER UP?
Sometimes after years of being OUT there we find ourselves in a state of unpleasant health consequences! There is HOPE to putting the sparkle back in your smile and the PEP back in your step but we may need to reach out for guidance and direction! We need to assist and support our body in every way to self repair, self balance and boost our energy levels again so WE CAN FEEL great as we approach exercising our 12th STEP! How can we be of service to others who are going through what we have if we aren't well?
There ARE things we can do!
Need a health coach to get you back on track?
Wednesday, January 06, 2016
Are YOU CONNECTED with a Healthy Support System?

After a bit... after working along side others who are just like us , we can take a rest and look up and see what a wonderful world it is we live in!
Get help. Get honest. Get new friends. Get support with accountability. Get hope in a 12-step group!
Get help. Get honest. Get new friends. Get support with accountability. Get hope in a 12-step group!
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