Monday, August 03, 2020

Are we as sick as our secrets?

Staying in isolation is not good for any human!  We are created for healthy, loving relationships.  If we are in toxic relationships we may need to look at ourselves and WHY we keep picking these types!  Sometimes, the first place we can be honest and real is in a 12 step meeting!

Recovery is hard work. What is beautiful about this program is that you are NOT alone in your journey to break free of the habits that cause harm. In a 12-Step group is where we find love and acceptance and support after we've burned all our bridges with the people closest to us in our lives. Let's face it. They've about HAD it with our shinanigins and drama!

After a bit... after working along side others who are just like us , we can take a rest and look up and see what a wonderful world it is we live in!
Get help. Get honest. Get new friends. Get support with accountability. Get hope in a 12-step group!

Step two; We came to believe a power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity!

No matter how hard we try to deny it, the fruit is plain to everyone but us sometimes.  The longer we abuse what God has given the sooner our home will be inhabitable.

Sooner or later we will have to move out if we are not being a good steward of our house!  So also, should we abuse our body for years and years it will not last.  With God there is always HOPE!  With help we can get things back in order and getting back on track will breathe new life in what seemed like a hopeless scenario.  

In 12 Step Recovery, we find help, hope and healing with the comfort of others who are just like us!  With some support we can get this thing trimmed back and some windows replaced and new construction repairs and it will again be filled with warmth and laughter welcoming those who need some restoration too!! 
Nobody would have thought it possible but MIRACLES happen in 12-Step recovery.  
Keep coming back!

God, grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change,
the courage to change the things I can,
and the wisdom to know the difference.
Living one day at a time, enjoying one moment at a time;
Accepting hardship as a pathway to peace;
Taking as Jesus did, this sinful world as it is,
not as I would have it;
Trusting that you will make all things right,
if I, surrender to your will; 
so that I may be reasonably happy in this life
and supremely happy with you forever,
in the next.  Amen
Reinhold Niebuhr

Surround thyself with loving, healthy and supportive relationships 
to keep you company during the hardest parts of life!

Thursday, July 07, 2016

Do you wish you could "FEEL" amazing again?

There are things that we can do to support our sobriety process and assist the clearing of our mind!
Actually, during our time of acting out we really did a number on our spirit, soul AND BODY! There are a number of deficiencies that develop with our auto-intoxication that if not restored will land us into a preventable chronic disease.  Chronic disease evolves over time, chemically produced on a molecular level! If we get sober then in time our body can re-balance and rejuvenate but it takes a little time!  Good things are ahead when you start restoring your body with nutrients and lifestyle habits that will support your body to do its job, protect YOU from the enemy free radicals, carcinogens, virus and bacteria that can take us down!  Learn how to support your immune system, improve your strength, stamina & energy levels so that you can be of service to others!

Join me!  Lets do this online DIY e-class to get back in the saddle, day light is a burnin!  Learn the BIG PICTURE while on the road to recovery!

Health Recovery 101 The 6-week online EXPERIENCE!

Wednesday, July 06, 2016

Got anger, resentment, bitterness or jealousy at your CORE?

There are times when we have to deal with that ugliness festering deep down inside.  You know who you are if there is a pattern of hurting others with your words and actions.  Is there a trail of injured souls left behind in past relationships?  Is there always some kind of drama fueled by feelings of bitterness, resentment anger or jealousy?  Do you really think anyone deserves your wrath when you are feeling this way over something?  The beauty of a 12-Step Recovery Support Group is that we learn that these feelings are our own problem.  We have to work through our own resentments and anger in a healthy way that it does not harm others.  These issues are classic defects of character that each of us in our own time must address within ourselves and safely in a 12-Step recovery group.  How do we not let the actions of others push us over into getting ugly ourselves?  It is NOT easy but there is HOPE!

Usually, it is not until we are well into our sobriety that we have the chance to address our own defects of character.  We all have them and the idea is to learn to let more go and offer grace and forgiveness easily so it doesn't cause US to do or say something we regret later.  Alienating those who are closest to us is our problem, that if not reckoned with, we may find ourselves in a lonely state of isolation because everyone has HAD IT with our antics!   Speaking the truth in love is a practice that takes some PRACTICE!  Offering "our idea" ONLY when it is asked is not easy to do either.  What if no one asks?  Move on and keep on working on me is best!  We all think a lot of silly things which may be toxic if it involves taking out our anger, resentment, bitterness and jealousy out on our friends and family.  That is why they call it "Stinking Thinking!"

Find a safe place, a recovery group or Celebrate Recovery to deal with these defects of character, work through them so you can learn to be a nicer person to call a friend, brother, sister, son or daughter!  Easy? No way!  Worth while?  ABSOLUTELY!

I'll pray for the people that bug me, I'll pray that they get everything that they NEED!  Our Higher Power is more than willing to be the one to do for them what they cannot do for themselves.  I can get out of the way and let go and let GOD and have a little fun while He does just that!  I am called to live in "peace" as much as it is up to me to be at peace with all men!  If YOU are going to disturb MY PEACE then I will excuse myself from the drama as should you in the same situation!  That is called survival!

Friday, July 01, 2016

Health Recovery 101 6-week EXPERIENCE!

After being OUT THERE doing ourselves in for possibly MANY years or decades, part of our recovery process will include improving our HEALTH status after we get our brain back right?

There is ALWAYS HOPE as long as we are walking and talking to get back in the saddle, put the pep back in our step and the sparkle back in our smile!  Learn how you can improve your strength, stamina and energy levels so that you can be of service, giving back in this world as you have completed your 12th step in recovery!

Becoming a person of light to someone else struggling in the trenches will happen as YOU share your own experience, strength and HOPE to others going through what you have gone through.  Coming out on the other side of addiction, pain and suffering will give you many opportunities that will be like divine appointments and SO WE NEED the strength and energy to be useful to others in this area!

Learn how you can peel back more layers to the onion by getting your own groove back!
Check out this 6-week online DIY Health Recovery 101 EXPERIENCE and save yourself!

Restoring our spirit, mind AND BODY takes some time and learn what you can do to feel amazing again and start possibly reversing some of the damage from years of being OUT THERE!

There ARE things we CAN DO!

follow me, I WILL SHOW YOU!


Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Don't get MAN DOWN! Time to POWER UP?

Sometimes after years of being OUT there we find ourselves in a state of unpleasant health consequences!  There is HOPE to putting the sparkle back in your smile and the PEP back in your step but we may need to reach out for guidance and direction!  We need to assist and support our body in every way to self repair, self balance and boost our energy levels again so WE CAN FEEL great as we approach exercising our 12th STEP!  How can we be of service to others who are going through what we have if we aren't well?

There ARE things we can do!

Need a health coach to get you back on track?

Wednesday, January 06, 2016

Are YOU CONNECTED with a Healthy Support System?

Recovery is hard work. What is beautiful about this program is that you are NOT alone in your journey to break free of the habits that cause harm. In a 12-Step group is where we find love and acceptance and support after we've burned all our bridges with the people closest to us in our lives. Let's face it. They've about HAD it with our shinanigins and drama!

After a bit... after working along side others who are just like us , we can take a rest and look up and see what a wonderful world it is we live in!
Get help. Get honest. Get new friends. Get support with accountability. Get hope in a 12-step group!

Monday, November 23, 2015

Turn it over to your Higher Power! Stress is TOXIC!

Stress is as toxic as swallowing poison.  The stress and unrelenting worry placed on our adrenals and being in a constant state of "fight or flight" raises our cortisol which leads to hormone disruption, high blood pressure, elevated blood sugar and heart disease.  So, it is suggested, we TURN it OVER to God those things we are powerless over to change.  I can't, but HE can so, I think I'll let him and take a new ride down a road I've never been.  Peace and quiet and serenity until I try to take back control over things that are really, none of my business!
We gotta SAVE ourselves! Say this, "I wanna LIVE!!"

 Need HELP? Choose:
HEALTH RECOVERY with Cary Kelly!

Tuesday, September 08, 2015

"Keep Trusting" by Cary Kelly

Sometimes the road gets hard, sometimes we are overwhelmed with hopelessness.  There IS HOPE!

May you find what you need and may your Higher Power guide you to peace.  Reach out for help and don't isolate.  There is a community of people that have gone through what you are going through that can encourage you.  Find a meeting and go today!

Saturday, June 20, 2015

Need 12-step recovery for Kicking NICOTINE? Why NOT?

A SURE pathway to death by disease: Nicotine Addiction!

Peeling back another layer of the onion!  Let's talk about it. Take your pick today for tomorrow:

  • stroke
  • heart disease
  • sudden death by heart attack
  • slow ugly death by cancer now behind 50% of CANCERs per year!
  • or not being able to breathe COPD/emphysema

         (the last 10 years feels like each breath is our last only it's not.)

YES, we will need a caretaker to push us around in a wheelchair with our O 2 tank and set up the hospitable bed in the living room our last 5 years. . If that doesn't scare you,  how about losing your breasts for a smoke lady's or guys: impotence? It'll be something you won't like so think it over.  Can you see the grief and sadness on the faces surrounding you on your death bed? They are sobbing because they love you and are sad because your bad habits caused this gruesome way to die early. We leave this planet far before our time because we thought what we thought about our addiction.  We tell ourselves lies, we justify our habit, we like the taste, we enjoy the method of auto intoxication or that "chemical nicotine fix" or mind altering high! Do what you can to STOP SMOKING NOW! Save yourself! Don't get dead!

The death angel waits close by those who are foolish and ignore suggestions for long life, health and happiness.  It is NOT a mystery, sickness and disease is scientifically, man made and created on a molecular level mostly a consequence of making poor decisions, auto intoxication, chemicals, ingesting pesticides, shooting up or inhaling poisons etc. Everyday, we have a choice to honor our Creator with what we eat, drink, say or do or NOT! Indeed it is true, we will reap in what manner that which we have sown.  Smoking ANYthing is harming your health and a fast track to trouble in the body.  Say this, "I WANNA Live!!!!  Let's stop deliberately poisoning ourselves with known carcinogens, neurotoxins and hormone disrupters and other immune system sabotaging deliveries all for a little buzz, jolt or escape that won't last. We gotta SAVE ourselves.

What a BUZZ kill I am!  I know but there is so MUCH HOPE if you quit! Nobody can fill your shoes around here but YOU!  Do what you can to stick around ok?

God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference.....

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Are We as Sick as our "Secrets"?

Have you ever been to a party and notice you are the only one left in the room because everyone has slowly disappeared into the back room or back yard or had a sudden need to walk the dog? What is a secret? It is a matter to be concealed from the eyes of those who surround us.  We have to habitually deceive key people so they don't find out! We aren't going to stop the thing because we crave and thirst for it with pleasure.  We love it so much we lie to ourselves that there is nothing wrong with it! We craftily devise ways to enjoy our addiction without getting "busted" by the law or our own loved ones. But, fairly enough, it absolutely could be a confidential matter that is personal like the relationship with a best friend or doctor or lawyer. It could be the task of the administrator of a corporation knowing the layoffs are coming.  They are sworn not to disclose what is shared in private, who is on the HIT LIST for downsizing, that would be harmful to share as public knowledge and would cause a raucous at work which would be bad for business! Funny, this is the same ethics code shared amongst our fellow substance abuse users network.

In addiction, it is our 'dirty little secret' we hide that only the people who partake in our secret are privy too. You know, like when you are at a party or an event and your buddy with the goods arrives, gives you the wink, or nod to come hither for your fix. Oh that thrill of anticipation, the comradery with other users, the deep breath and exhale that will change your state of mind in a moment and numb you out of your current reality. Ahh, the escape from real life, the people we are stuck with, their noisy chatter or their opinions that bug,  detaching from those that love us to spiral down in our minds to the great ESCAPE into that lonely state of isolation from REAL life,  or meaningful discussions and then we find something to fixate on that is far away from the thoughts, feelings, and conversations of those "sober" people. For a few hours we can dumb down and give our minds over to the enticing control of the powers of darkness.  The 'functional addicts' wait for when the evening or weekend comes so they can have another chance to escape and be of no value to the world as it is. Our secret "party for one" for  a few more waking hours, so we can be stupid, and too slow to engage in a critical thinking situation or drive.  It's kind of like having a case of Alzheimer's for a bit!  Makes for a great relationship to be around. Oh the joy of it all! Our drug of choice.......

We are known by our fruit actually, our character defects we cannot always hide from the masses. Like the scriptures say, "Your sin will find you out".  Years of lying, devising secret plans to hurry off to do our secret thing, pretending to be someone we are not, being a master manipulator, deceiver of innocent bystanders certainly opens the door to more confusion, pain, strife and deeds of darkness. God, my Higher Power is not mocked,  in fact there are 6-7 things He HATES! (see proverbs 6:16-19) He just turns His back on us in our folly because we have our head so far up our own AR$$ that we can be of no service to Him in this state, His salvation and deliverance will just pass us by when we are so deep in our denial.  Unfortunately, we are always the last to know we have a little problem until it really cuts deep, creating wounds with ruin and devastation to someone else's life besides our own.

What to do?  Seek help and reach out! In 12-Step recovery they say, "90 meetings in 90 days" and "get a sponsor" and be of service somehow is a start! It's FREE or costs $1 per meeting. Don't worry, with honesty and surrender there is HOPE! With dishonesty and lies and justifying our habit there is only sorrow and sadness awaiting. It does NOT get better from here. Missing out on the blessings from the universe is kinda SAD I think until we turn it ALL over in surrender! Will I come clean? Not unless I admit I am powerless over my tendency to do the wrong thing... it has to be wrong FIRST! (And therein, lies the rub! How many MORE years of denial will I wait I wonder?)
Step 1 We admitted we were powerless over our addictions and compulsive behavior.    That our lives had become unmanageable .
Step 2  We came to believe that a power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity
Step 3  We made  a decision to turn your life and will over to the care of God....
Get a sponsor to move on from here....... You are gonna need one to be accountable to who understands the tendency to lie, deceive and manipulate others so we can keep doing what we relish in secret.

We must learn to take this world as it is, experience life sober, alert and watching for the direction and guidance that comes with surrendering our faults, poor decisions and sins to our Higher Power, God who loves us and wishes for us to STOP the insanity.  We are missing OUT on the blessings that come with being alive, alert and being willing to pray for and serve our brothers and sisters who need us to share our experience, strength and hope.  We desire to serve the Chief Shepherd or we don't. OR we can keep going pell-mell down the road of self-destruct and hurt as many people along the way that we can.  Ummmm, which will you choose?  Will you seek counsel from your friends who are fellow users/addicts to down play the issue here or will YOU seek out those who are living in the day who are working the steps and finding peace, love and joy in their own hard earned sobriety? I want to LIVE and be free from the bondage of my secret behavior!

Monday, April 27, 2015

How do I let GO and LET GOD?

We just have to do it by faith in our Higher Power!  Part of our recovery is learning to LET Go and LET GOD!  When we get good at such a thing something wonderful happens..... we learn to go out and enjoy life with a grateful heart that experiences PEACE as a by product while we are waiting to see somethings change!  When was the last time YOU just made a grateful list?  Doing this will alleviate the inflammatory stress response that triggers within us HEALTH problems because we are NOT doing it "as suggested"!!

Watch my recent webinar addressing unrelenting stress and how it upsets your health including sabotaging your weight loss attempts! " Managing the TOXIC stress that causes us harm!"

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

We gotta SAVE our own health sometimes!

Say this, "I  wanna LIVE!" Yes, to wellness, good energy and HOPE for living this life as it is!  Accepting hardship as a pathway to peace.  Letting go of bitterness and resentment! 

Need a health coach for guidance and direction for getting the sparkle back in your smile and a pep in your step??  Join us for this special 6 week coaching event to regain our best energy and experience weight loss and learn a sustainable "healthier" lifestyle! 

Save the date starting April 8, 2015 this unique online event is available to you where ever you live!  Call in on a conference call or log in to the webinar on your computer!  For more info:   Clean Eating with Cary

We cannot just "talk the talk" we must also "walk the walk!"  Jesus said, Man shall NOT live by BREAD alone! (Matt 4:4.)  That means YES food and drink definitely has something to do with it but so also does faith, hope, trust and also perhaps some exercise and drinking no polluted water etc..   It is also written that, FAITH without works is DEAD. (James 2:26)  Jesus also asked the very pointed question, "Do you WANT to be WELL?"  There is HIS part to do for us what we are unable to do for ourselves and OUR part which requires taking up our bed and WALK, showing up, being honest and accepting guidance and direction toward a more healthful and meaningful life where we too will have a chance to give back if we have the strength and energy! 

Join us for a support group style say YES to "Clean Eating with Cary"

Our 12-Steps hold us to a Higher Power with responsible and purposeful deeds.  Perhaps we can't just throw around some hopeful or prayerful words but maybe we also must have some action to show for it, by the grace of GOD, to turn toward a path with health and healing promoting habits!  So you see, there is not ONE certain way that is the panacea!  But we are certain, we must DO THINGS that are suggested for our own health and wellness and recovery!

Everyone needs beauty, as well as bread, places to play and pray in, where nature may heal and give strength to the body and soul alike!    
John Muir  and he also said;
I know our bodies were made to thrive only in pure air, and the scenes in which pure air is found...

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Learning to ENJOY the holiday celebrations.....12 STEP style!

Why stress?  I can only do what it is in my power to do!  Think of this time as an opportunity to GIVE BACK in service to those closest to us whom we love and remembering those who have been a blessing to us along the journey!  Maybe a little more service doing it "Santa Style" ie: surprises in secret!   

What are these 'ol holiday's' really all about anyway? Relationships! Keep it simple: Remember to be grateful for the little things with no price tag: Love, Life, Family, Forgiveness, Sobriety, a comfy bed, a full belly and mostly, peace in my soul.....Selah, and ALWAYS: take your Higher Power with ya!

Sunday, November 16, 2014

GOT Peace????

Got PEACE? It is a gift when the world is at chaos, when we need direction, when we are making good choices...

I find it calming to know there is a power greater than myself and my little world that can keep the stars, the sun and the moon in place without my help! The same power that causes the sun to rise and set everyday without delay. I can safely turn over to God the things I am powerless over and cannot control. Things I am unable to fix or repair today I'll place in His hands and I'll be grateful for the things I can do to make a difference. Honestly, I wish I had more answers than I do but, it is what it is...I am not in charge! It is He that can see the grand picture of things while my view right now is a bit limited! Tonight, I will trust, rest and sleep on the wonder of these things. That's all I know....Selah! As a believer I can just: Cry out to Jesus!

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Turning it OVER, Letting GO and letting GOD....

Stress is as toxic as swallowing poison.  The stress and unrelenting worry placed on our adrenals and being in a constant state of "fight or flight" raises our cortisol which leads to hormone disruption, high blood pressure, elevated blood sugar and heart disease.  So, it is suggested, we TURN it OVER to God those things we are powerless over to change.  I can't, but HE can so, I think I'll let him and take a new ride down a road I've never been.  Peace and quiet and serenity until I try to take back control over things that are really, none of my business!

Learn to keep at bay your triggers!  Sometimes we need HELP to get back on track and pursue the road to HEALTH RECOVERY!
Check out my 6-week E-COURSE to learn the BIG PICTURE with action steps to taking you toward health & wellness as you are in recovery from a lifestyle that kicked your health to the curb!  There is HOPE there ARE things we can do!

Monday, May 12, 2014

See a "PINK ELEPHANT" anyone?

I know it SEEMS like it's safer to stick our head in the sand and pretend that THING is NOT happening that is causing total destruction of our spirit, MIND or BODY but denial is truly a slow death.  We think of things that ARE as tho they are not and really it just prolongs OUR agony in dealing with a harmful, disruptive event day in day out.  Somebody has got to address this thing and take it on or things are never going to change.  We know just waiting and smiling politely and HOPING for change doesn't work now does it?

What can "I" do about it you say?
Speak the truth in love and protect yourself/family from the insanity. Set some boundaries.
Our dwelling is to be a peaceful, quiet resting place!  That's a start!

Thursday, January 02, 2014

Do you WANT to be WELL?

How do I know if I am full of TOXINs or NOT? What are the signs?

Am I killing MYSELF in other ways? Am I grateful to be alive?

Don't worry!  There are smart things we can do
to feel good energy, strength and restore HEALTH and WELLNESS!

We Can choose LIFE, Health and healing with our food choices!

Monday, December 16, 2013

Getting HEALTHY is not just about getting or keeping our SOBRIETY!

Say this, "I  wanna LIVE!" Yes, to wellness, good energy and HOPE for living this life as it is!  Accepting hardship as a pathway to peace.  Letting go of bitterness and resentment! 

Need a health coach for guidance and direction for getting the sparkle back in our smile and a pep in out step??  Join us for this special 6 week coaching event to regain our best energy and experience weight loss and learn a sustainable "healthier" lifestyle! 

Save the date starting April 8, 2015 this unique online event is available to you where ever you live!  Call in on a conference call or log in to the webinar on your computer!  For more info:   Clean Eating with Cary


We cannot just "talk the talk" we must also "walk the walk!"  Jesus said, Man shall NOT live by BREAD alone! (Matt 4:4.)  That means YES food and drink definitely has something to do with it but so also does faith, hope, trust and also perhaps some exercise and drinking no polluted water etc..   It is also written that, FAITH without works is DEAD. (James 2:26)  Jesus also asked the very pointed question, "Do you WANT to be WELL?"  There is HIS part to do for us what we are unable to do for ourselves and OUR part which requires taking up our bed and WALK, showing up, being honest and accepting guidance and direction toward a more healthful and meaningful life where we too will have a chance to give back if we have the strength and energy! 

Join us for a support group style say YES to "Clean Eating with Cary"

Our 12-Steps hold us to a Higher Power with responsible and purposeful deeds.  Perhaps we can't just throw around some hopeful or prayerful words but maybe we also must have some action to show for it, by the grace of GOD, to turn toward a path with health and healing promoting habits!  So you see, there is not ONE certain way that is the panacea!  But we are certain, we must DO THINGS that are suggested for our own health and wellness and recovery!
Everyone needs beauty, as well as bread, places to play and pray in, where nature may heal and give strength to the body and soul alike!    
John Muir  and he also said;
I know our bodies were made to thrive only in pure air, and the scenes in which pure air is found...

Tuesday, November 05, 2013

Is it time now for HEALTH RECOVERY?

Sometimes in the process of recovery we are resembling that of an onion.  We deal with one layer at a time.  Then sometime "years" into the road to our own recovery we realize we end up at this point; overweight, toxic and lacking energy with little motivation to even shine the light here.  You are NOT alone and there are studies that support the idea, it may NOT be all our fault!

There are BIG FOOD companies creating addictive agents to be placed in their best selling foods to get us addicted and unable to eat just a small portion of this or that.  WE PIG OUT!   Then they make SO much money on our addiction the FOOD companies give BIG overwhelming donations to Government and Medical Schools and the FDA or Cancer Society or the  Diabetes Association so that they include/endorse these items in the food chain as needed in the food groups in "moderation".   Anytime they condone a little bit of poison then folks take that as a pass all the way til they land in the hospital with a man- made, self induced preventable illness.   Who will capitilize on our foolishness then?  The next group of BIG PHARMA DRUG companies!  See how this is going?  We gotta save ourselves and NOT get DEAD!

Who are the guilty manufactures?
  • Sugar People
  • High Fructose Corn syrup people
  • GMO for CORN, wheat and SOY people
  • Artificial Food colors and flavor people
  • Dairy people who poison their stock with hormones, steroids and antibiotics
  • HYDROGENATED OIL people....remember for 30 years they told us to eat MARGARINE?
  • The ridiculous out of control VACCINE drug people!
  • The FLUORIDE in our water people

Enough said!  ALL this is causing horrendous inflammation in the body and obesity and disease like no other country like America!  Unless they have begun to emulate our ways!

Do you need to take the next step toward HEALTH RECOVERY?

Wednesday, October 09, 2013

Take a look around everyday and find something GOOD to give THANKS!

Giving thanks is part of moving on and letting go of resentments and anger and blame etc.  We are in charge of our own feelings and reactions to this thing called life.  Part of getting healthy and whole is getting everything we need for health and healing:  

  • STRESS is a robber of our peace,
  • Anger robs our joy,
  • HUNGER causes us to make rash unhealthful food choices that can weaken our immune system
  • Loneliness will push us into binging and relapse which is why we have to seek out connection! Meetings!
  • SLEEP helps our body rejuvenate and repair and renew itself!

Say YES to nutrients found in God's food from the garden!
Say YES to going outside in fresh air and sunshine to walk or run!
Say NO to sugar sugar sugar! Chemicals dyes, flavors; 
        These will weaken our body from fighting off colds and flu for starters.  Be worried about chemicals found in tap water and vaccines and GMO's being FED to our commercial dairy and beef products that are CAUSING mass illness OUT THERE that we don't mean for ourselves! 

There are places and things that we can get involved with using good energy to change this world for the GOOD!  Instead of circling the drain with the self sabotage habits like the days of old!  Save a life!  Starting with MINE!  By the grace of God, We gotta SAVE ourselves and NOT get DEADsies!

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Letting it GO

First thing I gotta do is stop and take a look around creation and know there is a power greater than myself that can restore me to sanity.  All the beauty in the earth and how the sun sets and rises everyday without my help shows me there is a Higher Power and can see the bigger picture that I cannot yet tap into for understanding. Where I HAVE BEEN and how I arrived here today at this moment with all these people in my life shows me; indeed, with some guidance I can move from here toward a better place than where I have been!  Good things are ahead with good choices!  My higher Power can do for me what I haven't been able to do for myself!

Thursday, July 04, 2013


Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result! 

Do you WANT to be WELL?  Health and Healing and renewed life we look more like this:

Part of having the strength and energy to do what we gotta do is having the nutrients within that will do the miracle we need in our MIND and our BODY!   Being in recovery means we have abused and depleted our health in such a way that we need EXTRA help to get where we wanna go...
  Try nutrients and just see what happens!    If you don't like to eat these foods then zip them up in a blender and SLAM them!  You will get high on LIFE and feel better than you could ever imagine!   Lets do it.  Give your body a kick start into wellness!

Thursday, May 23, 2013

How are you doing with the 12th STEP?

The12th step: is learning to be of service to someone who is lost and knows not the way, the truth, and the life! Their eyes have been blinded and they are unable to find their way clear of the things that entangle them to keep doing the wrong thing.......

Since the day we heard about you, we have not stopped praying for you and asking God (our Higher Power) to fill you with the knowledge of His will through all spiritual wisdom and understanding. And we pray this in order that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and may please him in every way: bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God, being strengthened with all power according to his glorious might so that you may have great endurance and patience, and joyfully giving thanks to the Father, who has qualified you to share in the inheritance of the saints in the kingdom of light. For he has rescued each of us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son he loves, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.
So, whatever you do or say, in thought or deed, do it as a representative of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks through him to God the Father. Col 1:9-14, 3:17

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Phil from Duck Dynasty gives thumbs up to Celebrate RECOVERY!

Nothing better than using the 12-STEPS thru any difficulty or challenge when battling our hurts, habits and hang ups! Being in recovery is alot like peeling back an onion. There are so many layers of issues we need to work on! The minute we think we have overcome some habit why, look here, there is another issue we need to look at in ourselves. That's what we like about Celebrate Recovery! We can haul ourselves in for just about anything and we'll meet some friends who suffer just like we are! Google your zipcode and CELEBRATE RECOVERY! Just show up and you 'll see! Do NOT despair! There is hope, love and support waiting for YOU!
Phil Robertson from Celebrate Recovery on Vimeo.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Got a RESENTMENT??? Let's make a GRATEFUL list!

Got a resentment? Make a grateful list!
We have to do this to get peace. Our anger will soon turn to bitterness and resentment that can make us ill and steal our joy and peace. No matter what we have been dealt there is still room to be grateful to God for something. Lot's of things really come to mind once you set your pen to paper. Oh yeah, has someone hurt you deeply? This hurts too.... pray for them to get everything they need! Just do it....your miracle will come. Remember this: I can't but HE can...I think I'll let HIM! So in other words ::::: TURN IT OVER!
CRY OUT to Jesus....

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

What is the PINK ELEPHANT doing in your Living room??

Why is it so hard to ACKNOWLEDGE the pink elephant in the room?

The dynamics at home are different for everyone but really the toxic problem that is destroying the lives and relationships with those we love is the most difficult to confront. Why are we so afraid to step up and say, " HEY!" Why are we afraid to take the problem head on and set some boundaries to protect our peace, our happiness and our security? Isn't the potential loss from the upset offender less than what we are experiencing now? Yes, like the story of Jonah and the Whale, there was one person's direct disobedience to God that had circumstances that were harming everyone on the ship! All the innocent ones were suffering because Jonah was running from God's WILL! So guess what they did? They threw Jonah overboard to get some peace and sanity back! Guess what? NOW Jonah was God's problem (not theirs!) and God loved Jonah so much he saved his life as a whale came and swallowed him up and spit him out to safety once the misery (in the belly of the whale) did it's magic and led Jonah to repent! Then Jonah obeyed and served God and good things happened after that!

Sometimes we gotta just let go, NOT WATCH, and let GOD deal with some people before they are gonna get it. Pain, loss and sorrow will lead men to repent, not our constant rescuing, fixing, saving, covering up and certainly NOT us pretending the problem is not real! The sooner we confront the sooner a healing can happen, by the grace of GOD! Sometimes, for the one going down, they are in so much DENIAL about an issue they won't comprehend the truth until something BAD happens. That's the only way some people are gonna learn. So step away and let some miracles happen while you hide and pray! Just don't forget, TO PRAY!

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Health Recovery is the only way up!

No matter how hard we try to deny it, the fruit is plain to everyone but us sometimes.  The longer we abuse what God has given the sooner our home will not be habitable. 
Sooner or later we will have to move out if we are not being a good steward of our house!  So also, should we abuse our body for years and years it will not last.  With God there is always HOPE!  With help we can get things back in order and getting back on track will breathe new life in what seemed like a hopeless scenario.  In 12 Steps we find help, hope and healing with the comfort of others who are just like us!  With some support we can get this thing trimmed back and some windows replaced and new construction repairs and it will again be filled with warmth and laughter welcoming those who need some restoration too!! Nobody would have thought it possible but MIRACLES happen in 12-Step recovery.  
Say this, "I WANNA LIVE!"       Keep coming back!

God has always set before us Life and Death, Health and Healing and He says "Choose LIFE!"

HELP! Overcoming my obstacles with a Holistic Health Coach!

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Do you ever feel like LIFE is "Circling the Drain?"

DO you ever feel like; " My life is circling the drain!?!"
Take a new VIEW!   See life from a different perspective!  We cannot keep doing the same thing and expect a different result!  We will keep getting the same thing if we keep doing what we have always done.    What are the people saying about me?  Ask your HIGHER POWER for guidance and direction.  Be willing to surrender to the process of renewal.  With GOD, ALL things are possible!  I can turn to HIM to be my help in time of trouble a little faster than I used too.  If it's NOT working, then it's something I am doing wrong!!  

Let HIS light shine on the dark secret places you have not yet surrendered and then hold on to your hat!  Its going to rock and you will kick yourself for not surrendering the secret thing far sooner!  Everything is going to be all right!  YOU are going to make it!  One step at a time, work the steps!  It works, if you work it!  Love never fails!

The 8 recovery principles that will work in any defect of character issue!

Study the 12 STEPS and FIND a meeting! We can't do this alone!

•Step 1 - We admitted we were powerless over our addiction (OR COMPULSIONS) - that our lives had become unmanageable

•Step 2 - Came to believe that a Power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity

•Step 3 - Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God as we understood God

•Step 4 - Made a searching and fearless moral inventory of ourselves

•Step 5 - Admitted to God, to ourselves and to another human being the exact nature of our wrongs

•Step 6 - Were entirely ready to have God remove all these defects of character

•Step 7 - Humbly asked God to remove our shortcomings

•Step 8 - Made a list of all persons we had harmed, and became willing to make amends to them all

•Step 9 - Made direct amends to such people wherever possible, except when to do so would injure them or others

•Step 10 - Continued to take personal inventory and when we were wrong promptly admitted it

•Step 11 - Sought through prayer and meditation to improve our conscious contact with God as we understood God, praying only for knowledge of God's will for us and the power to carry that out

•Step 12 - Having had a spiritual awakening as the result of these steps, we tried to carry this message to other folks like "US", and to practice these principles in all our affairs
Please click on a link for a step to see how that step has worked for other people.

Get connected with people JUST like YOU!  Meet with others who struggle with the same issue as you!
Find a meeting near your home!!

Turn it over, Let it GO!

Everything is going to be all right or else everything is going to be all right! Turn it over, I can't but HE can so I think I will LET HIM handle it! I am NOT in charge!

Monday, December 17, 2012

Recovery during the Holidays...

For many, this is a very difficult time.  Many of our families are broken and there is sickness, pain and trepidation involved in the anticipation.  We have a recovery family that can celebrate with us some very healthy new traditions.  There is a lot of fun going at some of our local meetings along with some of the best food ever!  Let us move forward with some good examples set before us.  St Nicholas for example made himself of service in secret!  He made the celebration of Christmas something special for folks that had no means of celebrating to the hilt like some families.  He secretly planned to give someone else a "prize" gift that they could have never truly expected in their circumstances.  We can do that.  We can plan a secret surprise for someone in need, or someone who has been especially kind to us during our insanities or someone right in front of us that is hurting more than ourselves.  We can make amends.   Honoring the true meaning of Christmas is celebrating that God did for us what we could NOT do for ourselves, He sent us a Savior and with Him comes PEACE, LOVE and JOY, acceptance and patience and kindness and long suffering....and FORGIVENESS!   Pay it forward is the best gift we can give.  God bless you during this time and GO TO A MEETING, and be of SERVICE somewhere! It's the best way to get out of our own head!  However< When it comes to our HEALTH?!?
 Save YOURSELF and lets NOT get Deadsies!
Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

Thursday, December 06, 2012

Who can 'keep you company" during the hard parts?


Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change
the courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference.
Living one day at a time, enjoying one moment at a time;
accepting hardship as a pathway to peace;
taking as Jesus did, this sinful world as it is;
not as I would have it;
trusting that you will make all things right
if I surrender to your will;
so that I may be reasonable happy in this life
and supremely happy with you forever in the next.
reinhold niebuhr

Thursday, November 01, 2012

There are always 2 roads to choose from, CHOOSE LIFE!

Narrow and difficult is the road that leads to life and few are they who find it.
Wide and easy is the path that leads to destruction and many are those who choose it!
Matthew 7:13 -14

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Can we keep doing the same things and really SERIOUSLY expect a different result??

Insanity=doing the same thing over and over expecting a different result!
How many times do we do this kind of thing? Climbing into the vehicle empowered by alcohol thinking we are the best driver in the WORLD. How many DUI's or crashes will it take to learn that the poison that consumes us is a killer to us or other's? Maybe it's not alcohol you are powerless over. Is it money? How many overdraft charges or insufficient funds letters per month or year will it take to enlighten us to the fact there is a problem with the way we do business? Do we think the ATM is a slot machine? Do we stick our head in the sand writing checks we hope will be OK?
12 step recovery works if you work it. It meets the need with a miracle with whatever the venue is that has made our lives unmanageable! As we turn our lives and will over to HIM He can restore us to sanity so we can be a responsible, functioning member of society doing good to those we cross paths with! There is HOPE!

Wednesday, July 04, 2012

FEAR NOT! If God can care for the birds how much more can HE care for you?

                                                                                                photo by Candy!

 Know your Higher Power and say to yourself amongst so much uncertainty and anxiety, "I can't, but HE can...I think I'll let HIM!"

Turn it over, breathe and be grateful for all that we DO have right this minute.  It's gonna be OK , You are gonna make it! Sometimes, one minute at a time.  Don't over- think it to death!

Friday, June 01, 2012

Got a Resentment? It's like swallowing poison!

Got a resentment? Make a grateful list!
We have to do this to get peace. Our anger will soon turn to bitterness and resentment that can make us ill and steal our joy and peace. No matter what we have been dealt there is still room to be grateful to God for something. Lot's of things really come to mind once you set your pen to paper. Oh yeah, has someone hurt you deeply? This hurts too.... pray for them to get everything they need! Just do it....your miracle will come. Remember this: I can't but HE can...I think I'll let HIM! So in other words ::::: TURN IT OVER!
CRY OUT to Jesus....

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Perhaps, we fear taking our very first steps into recovery because we are more afraid of what we cannot see that lies does this mean we are clinging to our insanity because it is familiar?

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Whitney Houston we dedicate this to you and your legacy....... Another celebrity teaches us they are not exempt from the deadly consequences of a toxic lifestyle......No matter how much fame and money we have the results will be the same on our body if we abuse it. Drug abuse or alcoholism kills men and women everyday. But why? Did Whitney have the "addiction gene"  ????

Were you born with the "addiction gene"?????

So, who did you inherit those beautiful brown eyes from? Or are they BLUE? Or that nose? Or is it THIQ? For those born with THIQ then "sobriety" is the only way free.

THIQ? = Tetrahyroisoquinoline. In a jist of a story, there is a recent scientific proven fact why some in the family have inherited the addiction gene and some have NOT! Basically, either you have it or you don't! Trouble is, the only thing that activates this inherited chemical THIQ component into full blown alcoholism or your drug of choice addiction is a one time consumption of you take your pick: Alcohol!

If you have this gene it explains why some people can drink sensibly and why some CANNOT and are powerless over alcohol or their drug of choice. It is the difference between the "addict" and the "normie". For some folks, it is just not their fault they are like this. But it is their responsibilty to grasp their own sobriety. They are the ones that can never touch it. Makes so much sense really. So no matter what, as Father Martin says, we must urge our addict into what works. A 12 Step Recovery and/or treatment of SOBRIETY !! This is why the struggling loving family member of the addict can say, "I didn't cause it, I can't control it, and I can't cure it!" No matter how hard we try! What this gives the family member, is a respect for the nature of the disease. We can respond with love and firm boundaries NOT to enable. Instead with our tools in place we can lovingly contribute to the person to hit their own bottom to choose LIFE and HELP via treatment. Thank goodness for Ala-Non and its community of support for the frustrated and exasperated family members of the alcoholic! It's going to be OK! ............

Nothing going to break hearts more than seeing the one you love using and determined to be "OUT THERE"

I can't, but HE can, so I think I'll let HIM..... handle it! And that is all I know.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Take a New View!

DO you ever feel like; " My life is circling the drain!?!"
Take a new VIEW!   See life from a different perspective!  We cannot keep doing the same thing and expect a different result!  We will keep getting the same thing if we keep doing what we have always done.    What are the people saying about me?  Ask your HIGHER POWER for guidance and direction.  Be willing to surrender to the process of renewal.  With GOD, ALL things are possible!  I can turn to HIM to be my help in time of trouble a little faster than I used too.  If it's NOT working, then it's something I am doing wrong!!  

Let HIS light shine on the dark secret places you have not yet surrendered and then hold on to your hat!  Its going to rock and you will kick yourself for not surrendering the secret thing far sooner!  Everything is going to be all right!  YOU are going to make it!  One step at a time, work the steps!  It works, if you work it!  Love never fails!

The 8 recovery principles that will work in any defect of character issue!

Study the 12 STEPS and FIND a meeting! We can't do this alone!

•Step 1 - We admitted we were powerless over our addiction (OR COMPULSIONS) - that our lives had become unmanageable

•Step 2 - Came to believe that a Power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity

•Step 3 - Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God as we understood God

•Step 4 - Made a searching and fearless moral inventory of ourselves

•Step 5 - Admitted to God, to ourselves and to another human being the exact nature of our wrongs

•Step 6 - Were entirely ready to have God remove all these defects of character

•Step 7 - Humbly asked God to remove our shortcomings

•Step 8 - Made a list of all persons we had harmed, and became willing to make amends to them all

•Step 9 - Made direct amends to such people wherever possible, except when to do so would injure them or others

•Step 10 - Continued to take personal inventory and when we were wrong promptly admitted it

•Step 11 - Sought through prayer and meditation to improve our conscious contact with God as we understood God, praying only for knowledge of God's will for us and the power to carry that out

•Step 12 - Having had a spiritual awakening as the result of these steps, we tried to carry this message to other folks like "US", and to practice these principles in all our affairs
Please click on a link for a step to see how that step has worked for other people.

Get connected with people JUST like YOU!  Meet with others who struggle with the same issue as you!
Find a meeting near your home!!

Friday, December 09, 2011

Nothing better than a song to say how it works! One STEP at a time! Enjoy! Bryan Duncan and check out RADIO REHAB for online RECOVERYsupport and encouragement any time of day or Night!!!!  RADIOREHAB your best friend when there is no one else around!

Saturday, November 05, 2011

Do you have peace?  Do you sleep with sweet dreams?  Can you get rest?  Do you feel joy?

Simple questions but for some we can't answer YES to a single one of those .   Our lives are spent spinning our wheels, wasting energy on futile attempts to control others, situations, events, places or things.  We are angry, resentful and bitter or we are burning with jealousy over another's success or joyful life. We are controlling, we expect others to do things as we think they should be done or we are mad that they won't do it right according to our own distorted perceptions. We follow, set traps or stalk people waiting for them to fail or do it wrong and so then we feel,
"we are entitled" to tell them off as we see fit. On and on the negative energy spews forth from our inner being, driving others, screaming off into the night, away from us because of our personal insanities we are tormented with.  To be associated with us is like swallowing poison!  Unpleasant to everyone but sadly, we don't see it!

Self-Test Clue: is this you?

A person who is nice to you, but rude to the waiter, is not a nice person.  ~Dave Barry,

So, where do we draw the line with people "doing it wrong" all the time? 
#1 Let people LIVE!
 #2 Mind your own business! 

We are the insane ones to be the "activity police" of someone else's behaviors.  Let it go and take our OWN control issues to a support group before we destroy every decent relationship we have.  We have got to find out what drives us with such grandiosity to think, " it's my way or they are an idiot" mentality.  It's not them.  It is US, we are the sick ones needing help.  Save yourself and get into recovery today while you still have any friends.  Even if ALREADY, nobody likes being around you GET HELP ANYWAY.  Support groups or a therapist for anger issues and severe controlling tendencies are available in 12-step recovery.   Try a Celebrate Recovery near you.  Miracles are happening there and you can be set free and live a life of joy and peace!  It's true there is HOPE!

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Crazy Seal Beach Salon Murders

What? Why?  HOW does someone shoot their child's MOM and 8 innocent people?  How do we make sense of life's darkest tragedy's?   How does healing and restoration begin?  What do these things teach us?

#1 We live in a poisoned and toxic world.
#2 Don't be caught DEAD without Jesus!
#3 There is this temporary life and then FOREVER comes after we each, like it or NOT, sooner later,     we will leave this world.

If you were to die today, are you READY to meet the Almighty in the condition you are in? Yes or NO?
God does promise to take all things and work them for good for those who are in Christ Jesus.  That includes all the things, that seem unforgiveable, that we ourselves have done.

We pray that these people involved and who are affected receive everything that they need. Help,grace and mercy that can only come from our Higher Power.  Amen

For more on this sad story: